21 February 2012


 by Hiáli R. Quiñonez

Men may become truly powerful the day they begin birthing & raising other humans. Otherwise, without a female there is no child and no one to wean it if it did exist.

Women (and Gatekeepers), by their very nature, are powerful, so some insecure men choose to instill the FEAR of retribution by some textual "god" upon those women and Gatekeepers; manipulated ideas created long ago and whose only "power" comes from being so thoroughly ingrained across several millennia (The lie has become a truth.). It is the power of a lie that holds many women & Gatekeepers from realising their place in the world.

In Native Caribbean societies, men and women were EQUAL and women were respected as rulers of their own tribes. These egalitarian traits still survive in many present-day Caribbean societies. Even though foreign ideas have served to suppress female power through religious coercion and untruths, with the coming of independence... most of those trends have not been furthered.

Excerpt from:

Courage: The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman/
Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue

By Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert