11 March 2011

Book of Stormz . One: "iWitn3ss" (2009)


.oO(*)Oo.   iWitn3ss   .oO(*)Oo.

Book of Stormz . One  (2009)

out from fire in the Farthest Land
and its ensuing rising storm
Jehovah's child of the crossroad
Eshu Salaam is born

"what colour",
asks the riddle,
is my hat?"

"I say it's red."
"I say it's black."
"Hit me first"
"I'll hit you right back"

...say the inconclusive neighbours

this constant scuffle
will not be their Saviour


the pulpit returns
in the last days of the world
signs are unravelling
shifting weather patterns unfurl

birds don't know what song to sing
some retire from broken wings
this is no longer a joyous land
earthquakes rewrite the boundaries of man
to disappear
and reappear
at the sleight of a mysterious One‘s hands


island chain is almost one
Earth's eventual shift from the sun
volcanos pierce smoke-laden darkness
remind us with awe of our relative smallness

our arrogance
turned to obeisance
learn the lessons

of laws way above us
way beyond the white carpet
of cirrocumulus

treading across like some white buffalo
on a random tear
across snowy terrain
earth is moved amidst thunder and fear


microcosmic Beings
will soon be seeing
the power of Greater Being
that we exist within
and within

infinite dimensions

churning and bumping
creating the akashic soup
natives may soon be praying to
a lady from Guadeloupe

for the world will shudder
and shake
no time to react
most won't remain intact


having bitten the fruit
of the tree of intelligence

eyes still open shut

neither understand
nor overstand

essence of emanation


block the love vybration

the core of love energy
take care to exercise it
revise it
if necessary

do not be unaware of the plan
and do lend a helping hand

it'll take concerted love from
to keep the world in shaky place
before 2 jolts make it shift in empty space


millions of ways to relate
yet still choose to berate
the love
that should be expressed
in the last days of the world


entire plates sink beneath the sand
seems like there is nowhere to hide

try, try... cause you must
run, run... if you can

tsunami tsunami
pull back your mighty hand
to batter eastern Babylon

resound destructive strength
Nature exacts a revenge
heard even by the tundra swans

one third of the stars
appear to fall

cosmic chaos
heed the Mighty Call


death by water and fire
an ocean will tremble
beneath Shakti's ferocity

so many hands of fate
nowhere to run
earth's changes its velocity

feel the Uniqueness of the One

Pacifica crashes into muddy abyss
ring of fire lighting up
swallowing up

like Hades
Ra returns to the Euphrates


climactic stress
when magnets shift
the energy we have created
akin to a sword that is serrated
has destroyed the harmony
of Lyfe itself
butcher it like the Lamb
who told you once
now tells you twice
the so-called ‘End of Humanity’
is really just
Earth taking Nature's advise

"correct yourself"


when the iron ball spins
the sun will appear to veer
crash into the earth

then pull away so high
laws we can't defy
Phaeton's on some DWI
nothing can stop spinning sky

oceans rise high

lands disappear in momentary confusion


we realise

it was all just an illusion


a seed remains
humanity's 1 single ace


borne from compassion
to each one a ration

of equality

the chance to exist
in wholeness

free from the masks
of someone else's idea of
tee… em

give it a face


don't forget
that it's space


as the world spins
surrounded by storm and fire
forcing us to finally think higher
learn to aspire

for the right things

in 150 revolutions
will come the solution
to the ailing planet

a woman arrives
dressed all in white
to administer to the sinister
warns of reliance


contained within crystal
the wheel of Dharma
into new consciousness

the One

the Sun

pay attention because the time may one day come
when the world might have to run

.. .oO(*)Oo.  .  .oO(*)Oo. ..

copyright 2009

(originally posted 12 Jan 2010 on 'Garden ov Shiva')